DAC Pavilion Call for Proposals

Timeline | Requirements | Categories and Keywords | ReviewGuidelines

The purpose of the DAC Pavilion is to present content on the exhibit floor that is interesting to both the technical and business audiences that attend DAC.

Panels, tech talks and other possible Pavilion activities are to be submitted via the DAC website, due by January 16, 2025.  There are three options when submitting a DAC Pavilion proposal:

  1. Panels
  2. SKYTalk suggestions
  3. Individual technical presentations

Panels are intended to be of broad interest and attract a large audience. Panel topics should be interesting and timely, and the panels themselves should be engaging and informative. Each DAC pavilion Panel is 45 minutes long.


  • A good panel session explores a single high-level issue or question and includes representatives of differing viewpoints.
  • Controversy is appropriate and encouraged.
  • The topic should be relevant to multiple segments of DAC attendees.

We encourage the submission of ideas and suggestions for panel topics. The conference organizing committee will do its best to collaborate with the panel proposers to shape and refine the suggestions and to finalize the slate of panel speakers. Submitters of panel suggestions that are chosen for the conference will be recognized in the final conference program. All panels, panel speakers and moderators must receive final approval from the DAC Executive Committee, which takes into consideration the topics and the participants of all conference sessions to provide a diverse set of topics, participants and perspectives.

SKYTalks are considered to be mini-keynotes. SKYTalks are invited, although DAC is open to suggested speakers (ideally C-level speakers) on relative industry topics. These talks are intended to be of broad interest and attract a large audience. Topics should be interesting, timely, and informative.

We also welcome the submission of technical presentations offered by qualified individuals. These proposals will be evaluated by the conference organizing committee for their ability to attract a substantial audience of conference attendees. Presentations on topics at the forefront of Design Automation practices are especially encouraged.

Submission Timeline

  • September 27, 2024: Submission site open
  • January 16, 2025: Submission deadline 5:00PM (PST)
  • February 26, 2025: Notification - Accept as presentation or reject notifications will be emailed to authors. 
  • April 10, 2025: A/V Form Due - Accepted presentations must submit an A/V Permission Form. 
  • April 10, 2025: Speaker Registration Deadline - One author from each presentation must register at the speaker registration rate and present at conference
  • April 10, 2025: All panelists and moderators must be registered to attend DAC. Late registrations after April 29 may lead to dismissal and replacement on the accepted panel.
  • April 27, 2025: Draft Slides Due - Submission deadline for draft of final presentations and speaker bios (for full talks only). All material will be reviewed by DAC Pavilion Chairs
  • May 25, 2025: Slide Feedback - Deadline for chairs to communicate poster and slide presentation feedback to authors
  • June 2, 2025: Final Slides Due - Deadline for authors to submit final presentation slides. 

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Submission Requirements

  • The title of the submission
  • Abstract of 500 words
  • Topic Area (a list is provided)
  • Organizer(s) name, affiliation, city, state, country, and email address
  • Presenter(s) name, affiliation, city, state, country, and email address
  • All supplemental information should be submitted via a PDF attachment.
  • Confirm the participation of your moderator and panelist BEFORE submitting your proposal. If participants are not confirmed by submission date of January 16, 2025, all participants MUST BE confirmed no later than February 14, 2025.  If proposed participants are not confirmed by February 14, 2025, the DAC program committee and Special Programs Chair have the right to substitute unconfirmed participants. Do not wait until February to find out if your proposal has been accepted before obtaining confirmation.
  • DAC Pavilion sessions are video recorded at DAC with presenters and panelist prior approval.  Approved DAC Pavilion sessions will be made available on DAC TV and on DAC’s Youtube channel after the conference.

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Submission Categories


Please select up to two of the following Topic Areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Design
  • Electronic Design Automation
  • Security
  • Systems


Please select up to three of the following Keywords:

  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Analog & Mixed-signal Design
  • Architecture & System Design
  • Chiplets and Interconnects
  • Circuits and Technology
  • Cloud Computing
  • Embedded Systems and IoT
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Formal/Static Methods
  • FPGA Systems
  • Logic & High-level Synthesis
  • Low Power
  • Manufacturing and Process 
  • Physical Design
  • Quantum Computing
  • Safety & Reliability
  • Security & Privacy
  • Test
  • Verification & Validation


If a submission will be relevant to a specific industry or industries, one or more of the following industries may be selected:

  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Automotive
  • Consumer
  • Data Center
  • Industrial
  • Wireless Communications
  • Wired Communications

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Review Process and Selection

  • Submissions are reviewed by Past Chair, Publicity Chair and the Special Programs Chair; selections are presented to the DAC EC for review and approval.
  • The EC Panel chair and Engineering Tracks Chairs are requested to forward submitted panels that are not accepted to the technical program for consideration for the DAC Pavilion.
  • Submitted content will be presented to the EC for approval by mid-February prior to or at the EC Winter meeting. 
  • Submitters are notified of acceptance by February 26, 2025.

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Guidelines for Accepted Presentations

  • All approved presentations must be confirmed by March 13, 2025.
  • Presentations must be submitted in PDF in 16:9 aspect ratio (slides can be created in Powerpoint but should be saved as .pdf to submit)
  • Total number of slides must be 12 or fewer (including title slide)
  • Company logo may only appear on title slide
  • Intro slide should clearly state the topic being addressed
  • Slides should be used to frame the discussion – presenters are encouraged to minimize the amount of content on the slides and focus on providing details via discussion
  • Presentation should be 30 minutes maximum to allow for 15 minutes of audience Q&A after the presentation
  • Important - ensure that you have the necessary legal, trademark, copyright, and/or organizational approval needed to submit your presentation. Take appropriate steps to get this approval early, as the submissions deadline cannot be extended.

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Guidelines for Accepted Panel Discussions

  • All approved panel slides and any final changes must be received by June 2, 2025.
  • Title of the panel discussion and abstract describing topic(s) being addressed
  • Final list of all panelists including name, title, affiliation, and email address
  • Point of view being offered by each panelist (to ensure balance and the broadest discussion)
  • Name, title, affiliation and email address for panel moderator
  • Powerpoint may be used (suggested, but not mandatory) to introduce the panel topic, panelists and moderator
  • Powerpoint may be used (suggested, but not mandatory; 2 slides maximum) if each panelist is to offer a point of view prior to the group discussion.
  • If Powerpoint slides are used they must be in 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Any Powerpoint slides should be submitted in .pdf format
  • Panel discussion including introductions is allocated 45 minutes
  • Important – panelists should ensure that they have any necessary legal, trademark, copyright, and/or organizational approval needed for their participation in the discussion.

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