EDA Industry Challenges and Adoption of Hybrid Cloud
Posted on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 by Sashi Obilisetty, DAC Cloud Focus Chair

Principle Driver: Next generation chips, with more complex designs, shorter design cycles, and skyrocketing costs, require modern data management capabilities from data management systems, including the ability to seamlessly burst to high performance cloud environments.  Migration to 3nm (and smaller) feature sizes creates non-linear demand growth for both compute and data management / storage resources to complete simulation and emulation test runs.  Traditional datacenter architectures struggle to keep up with these increasing demands, especially as it pertains to the compute resources necessary to complete simulations, place and route, static timing analysis, and other design workflows.  Semiconductor development companies are turning to “burst-to-Cloud" architectures to off-load the demands of their on-premises datacenters and to free up room for jobs that can only be run “in-house”... Read more


Calling All Data Scientists!
Posted on  Tuesday, May 17, 2022 by Sashi Obilisetty, DAC Cloud Focus Chair

McKinsey, in a December 2021 AI survey, came up with a few conclusions that are worth paying attention to:

1) Nearly two thirds of the respondents said that their companies’ investments in AI will continue to increase over the next three years

2) Over 64% also run their AI workloads on public or hybrid cloud.

DAC, for the very first time, is offering a unique hands-on workshop for Data Scientists. In this workshop offered by Catalit, Data Scientists (and aspiring Data Scientists) will learn how to formulate, train and improve ML models, by using both classic and deep learning algorithms... Read More

Welcome to the first Hybrid DAC! So, what is it?
Posted on Monday, August 31, 2021
This year we are experiencing many first with respect to planning the 58th Design Automation Conference. It’s the first DAC to be rescheduled from its normal summer schedule to December. It’s the first DAC to co-locate with both the RISC-V Summit and SEMICON West. And it is the first DAC to ever go hybrid with both a live and virtual component.... Read More

The 58th DAC online Program is Now Live - and Worth the Wait!
Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 01:00 by Harry Foster, General Chair, 58th DAC
We did it! After over a year’s worth of hard work the DAC Executive Committee finally released the 58th DAC program! And in spite of a mountain of challenges and hurdles we encountered along the way this past year I couldn’t be prouder of the entire team involved in this major milestone. We started planning the 58th DAC a little over a year ago, and we were confronted with a lot of uncertainty on what to expect for the coming year. Would submissions be down? Would we be able to find inspiring technical speakers to participate in a live event? But we did it!... Read More

Countdown to the Designer, IP and Embedded Track Submission Deadline for DAC 2021
Posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 16:00 by Ambar Sarkar, NVIDIA, 58th DAC Designer, IP and Embedded Program Chair
The Designer and IP tracks have been a vital part of the DAC program since 2010, and I am honored to chair the Designer, IP and Embedded tracks for the 58th DAC. The Embedded track was added to the program last year to highlight this growing topic area in the design community.   Putting on DAC is a huge undertaking, and much of the work involved is done by volunteers from industry and academia. Each track contains submitted work as well as special invited sessions. The Designer,... Read More

#58DAC, 1: Building a Great Conference with a Strong Foundation
Posted on Monday, October 19, 2020 - 01:00 by Harry Foster, General Chair, 58th DAC
Typically, people use the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” to remind others that time is required to create something truly great. Now, what does this have to do with the Design Automation Conference? While it might seem like we held the 57th DAC just a few weeks ago, time doesn’t stand still. In fact, the 58th DAC team began laying bricks for next year’s event by holding its first kickoff meeting only three weeks after completing this year’s virtual event. And for the 58th DAC, I am truly... Read More

RISC-V International & Members at the 57th Annual Design Automation Conference!
Members of RISC-V International will be delivering numerous presentations and hosting discussions and tutorials at the annual Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2020, taking place from Monday, July 20 through Friday, July 24, showcasing RISC-V’s incredible momentum since its inception ten years ago at the University of California, Berkeley. The presentations, discussions and tutorials will focus on new and exciting developments and implementations from the RISC-V community, spotlighting... Read More

Designer and IP Tracks Swell with Focus on ML, Security, and Traditional EDA Methodologies
What are designers keenly interested in as the 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC) approaches? If you said machine learning (ML), you’d be only partially right. Based on designer and IP tracks submissions to the 57th edition of the venerable electronics-industry event, ML – how to design with it and optimize EDA tools and flows using it – is a hot topic. But so too are more traditional avenues of exploration for practicing designers, such as physical design, abstraction, verification,... Read More

A Rise in AI Submissions, Leading to a Strong 2020 Conference Program
As the industry heads deeper into 2020, it’s obvious that the research and application of AI/ML architectures and solutions will continue to accelerate. In fact, a simple metric to support this claim can be measured by examining the number of AI/ML architecture and system design papers that were recently submitted for review to the 2020 Design Automation Conference (DAC).  In 2018, 56 AI/ML architecture and system... Read More


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