Engineering Tracks Invited Sessions Guidelines
Invited Session presentations will have a 90 minute session for their presentations or panel discussions. Please use the following deadlines to prepare for your participation.
If you notice an issue with your session in the DAC program or need to request a change, please use the change request form.
- September 29, 2023: Submission site open
- January 16, 2024: Submission deadline
- January 23, 2024: Submission deadline (due to multiple requests)
- February 26, 2024: Notification - Accept as presentation, accept as poster, or reject notifications will be emailed to authors
- March 15, 2024: Confirmation Forms Due - Accepted presentations and posters must submit a confirmation form
- March 20, 2024 - Speaker registration opens
- UPDATED May 10, 2024: Bio & Draft Slides Due - Submission deadline for draft of final presentations and/or posters and speaker bios (for full talks only). All material will be reviewed by Session Chairs
- UPDATED May 17, 2024: Slide Feedback - Deadline for Session Chairs to communicate poster and slide presentation feedback to authors
- UPDATED May 31, 2024: Final Slides - Deadline for authors to submit final poster and/or presentation slides
If you are unable to meet these deadlines, please communicate with Program Chair Ambar Sarkar on an amended schedule.
- You are required to use the DAC template for all presentations
- Please submit a consolidated PDF for all presenters.
- ONLY PPT, PPTX, or PDF files are allowed
- Only landscape format may be used
- We do not allow any information in the footer except for the page number. Everything else will just distract from the content of the slides
- Company/University name and/or logo may only appear on the title (first slide) page
- Please note if the presentation guidelines and template are not used in the final pre-recorded video your presentation may be removed from the program.
What is the Engineering Tracks submission process?
To spare experts from industry the many hours of preparation associated with a regular manuscript submission, Engineering Tracks submissions are in the form of a 6-slide PowerPoint presentation. Authors of the highest quality submissions will be invited to present their work in Engineering Tracks sessions at the conference and a poster on the same subject during a poster session. Other authors may also be invited to present a poster during a poster session.
Why Engineering Tracks? How is it different from the Research Track?
The Engineering Tracks are intended specifically for design engineers. This complements DAC’s strong research focus on algorithms and methodology.
Are Engineering Tracks presentations and posters included in the DAC Proceedings?
No. However, posters and/or presentation slides will be made available online if the authors give permission. They will be made available on the DAC website after the conference as a part of the DAC Archive.
Do Engineering Tracks participants have to register for DAC?
Full DAC conference registrants are automatically allowed to attend Engineering Tracks sessions. In addition, both Engineering Tracks speakers and any participants who want to attend only the Engineering Tracks sessions, Keynotes, and the Exhibit Floor at DAC can do so at a discounted registration rate via the “Engineering Tracks” registration package. Registration details will be released shortly.
My question isn’t answered here! Where can I get an answer?
Please address any unanswered questions to Ambar Sarkar, 61st DAC Engineering Tracks Program Chair